Lima Team Feb 2014

In February 2014 a team of intrepid missionaries will be travelling to Cuidad Pachacuchec, a suburb of Lima, Peru to help to transform a community. The teams dream is to tear down a dangerous and run down existing church building to replace it with a two story building which will act as both church and community centre for the people in the area.

The Existing Church

The Existing Church

This will only be possible with the support of people like you. Each person is trying to raise $1700 to cover their personal costs and an additional $24,000, as a team so that we can accomplish all that is planned. The money will be spent in three ways. First, the money will be spent on construction materials. The new building will feature an upstairs area for the children complete with a small kitchen and a bathroom. It will also function as a place for the community to gather through the week as they support each other in very difficult conditions. Second, we want to use some of the money to feed the community to show that we care about everyone in the area, not just those involved in the church. Finally, we want to send 100 children from this and other poor areas in Lima to a chance of a lifetime camp where they will learn and grow with the aid of a joint team of Peruvians and Canadians. Picture1Amazingly a kid can go to camp for 5 full days for just $50 and that includes transportation, accomodation and food. We truly beleive this will be an amazing experience for everyone involved. If you would like to help a team member, send a kid to camp, feed a family or provide funds for construction materials, you can do so by following the link below or by donating on out generic donations page. TO DONATE TO AN INDIVIDUAL SIMPLY TYPE IN THEIR NAME IN THE SEARCH ENGINE, TO DONATE TO THE PROJECT SELECT THE TEAM = PROJECT FUNDS. Blessings in advance for your support.

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